February 4, 2014

Go ahead I know you want to...Blogging from A-Z sign ups

Did you sign up?

If you didn't I am here to remind you that it’s that time again; April is almost upon us and it’s time to start thinking about The blogging from A-Z Challenge. 

This year I’m joining my friends over at Blogging from A-Z for another month of daily blogging (with Sundays off).

This is my third year of this challenge and I love each and every minute of it. I've made many friends and had a blast writing what I think might be some of my most creative posts.

Did you know that this challenge is the brainchild of Arlie Bird over at Tossing it Out.  If you are looking for a way to stretch your blogging/writing muscles or just want to make some new friends you really need to sign up right this minute!

So why don’t you head over to their web site by clicking here or any of the other links above. They've provided excellent directions telling you what to do, easy peasy. Then grab their blog button…see I have one proudly displayed in this post and on my sidebar.

Go ahead what are you waiting for?!
Let me know if you're joining or if you've decided not to.
I'd love to hear what went into your decision either way.

I’m knocking around the idea of doing a theme for the month, maybe!


  1. I saw your button of it on your blog last week, Jen, and went to sign up. I did it two years ago, was signed up for it last year, but dropped out of blogging for 6 months due to family drama, LOL. But I'm ready to go this year, got a theme going and even wrote my first 5 posts last night :)

    it will be fun!


  2. Last year was my first time and I have already started working on my daily posts!

  3. I always tell myself...Jen write in advance, that lasts about a week if that! LOL I rather like the pressure to produce. Can't wait Paula ;)

  4. This sounds really interesting. I just might sign up this year.


    1. I think you'd have a great time if you did!

  5. Hi Jen .. yup I'm in .. and ready for the 4th year ... with similar ideas to my previous three A-Zs - different subject though. I must write mine up early this year .. I had half done last year .. but had the titles that helps.

    Cheers and see you around before that and then during the A-Z - Hilary

  6. April! Seems so far away. But I'll think about this. I always enjoy your posts for the challenge, Jen.

  7. I signed up. Can't wait, and I, too, will have a theme.

  8. I've did it for the past two years but this year I just won't have the time so I'm not going to pressurise myself. My book review blog is taking over my life,lol.Good luck I'll enjoy just reading everyone's posts this time round.

  9. Thanks for the boost Jen. Still debating but likely will. Last year (my first) was so much fun.


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