September 17, 2012

In search of a new homepage...

Ever since I went public with my blog on Google I've used many of their products; from G-mail, and Google +, Google Calendar to i Google which I use as my homepage. Now i Google is going to be discontinued as of next year.

I found i Google to be very convenient and simple to utilize. On my homepage I had my e-mail, my reader and the weather, nothing fancy but it worked for me. I could change the backgrounds with the seasons or with my moods which was something I did frequently.

I will admit to having another private e-mail for family and friends that isn't public and has nothing to do with Google. I'm imagine most bloggers do the same thing. But the other e-mail  provider doesn't have the type of home page that fits my needs.

Deciding not to wait until next year; I began searching around a bit and found something that fits with my needs. Have you ever heard of Netvibes? I've set up my new homepage with them for now but that doesn't mean I'm not open to suggestions if you have them.

Do you have a special place that you call homepage? What do you have displayed on your homepage? (ex. mail, news, weather). Do you care if there are options for backgrounds or are you the plain type?

I'd love to hear what everyone else is doing.


  1. I have to admit I'm still on AOL and just use their home page with whatever they have on it. I'm not sure if I changed it where I would go and what I would do. I'm not one to like or endorse change so if something works, I'll go for it. Good luck with finding out what works for you.


  2. I can't wait to see what others say. But Jen, using a home page is "old skool". Giggling at you - you know my wit. Seriously though, I probably haven't customized or used a home page since my e-mail address ended in - I think that's what it was. Technology simplifies and complicates things. There isn't a one stop shop for me. I have about six e-mails that I use for different things, an app for weather, and app for news, an app for this and an app for that - etc. I pretty much check it all from the palm of my hand. Your blog subscription popped up on my phone, I read it there and now I am responding (but for that I need the big screen) from my computer. ;-) I know I didn't help you ONE bit.

  3. A homepage to decorate?
    Well, I have a bathroom that's been decorated with 4 year old pee.
    So I need to re-decorate that while he's at school...LOL

    1. 4 year old pee huh? Better wait until he's in college before you decorate the aim usually doesn't get any better!

  4. I dont do this, so I don't know. It is a matter of what you are used to. I have for my blog, but then just an old yahoo email account. I love yahoo better than gmail. (I have gmail too for my work calendar and hate it, but that is probably bc I am not used to it! You'll get used to whatever you do!

    1. I like the fact that it keeps me organized so I'm sure there's something out there for me. Thanks Jodi

  5. I use my iGoogle page to keep track of certain blogs. However, I find I don't visit it that much anymore. Firefox just opens the last page I visited, so I don't really use a home page anymore. It can be nice to organize things though. Good luck with your search.

    1. It's so interesting to me to hear how others organize their online life, thanks Jennifer!

  6. Hi Jen, visiting as promised! Interesting topic that I never really even thought about. I too have an app for almost everything I do on my ipad. For the most part though, my main email address is through Comcast. That's who our cable, phone, and internet is through. I like them okay, but if it wasn't for my ipad & smart phone I'd seriously be lost. :/

    1. Hi Sonya,
      I so glad you came by. We have so many mutual blog friend I'm surprised we hadn't met before now.
      So many people do so many different thing I've come to realize regarding their blog and computer lives.

      I'm with you on the smart phone for sure. My hubby always complains about the phone bills. But you never hear him complain we need directions, a place to eat, hotel or need to gas while on the road. The thing is just priceless.

  7. I try and simplify as much as possible (haha, I know) so I have everything linked just to google..they changed it again today though and since I am not savvy it takes me forever to figure out what I am doing...the adage is probably true you get what you pay for...and google is free.

    1. Simple is best Annmarie I agree. Now if I could figure out why it is that Google always changes or gets rid of the things I like the best!!

  8. I wish I was that organized. I am an app hound. Everything I do is by app. Love my phone! I'd be lost without it.


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