I've only had my camera for a bit more than a year and quite honestly I've never taken to experimenting with it off the auto setting. The main reason was because I never read the huge booklet of instructions. I hate reading directions and lets face it if I haven't done it by now the chances of me doing so are slim to none.
So what's a gal to do? I was really feeling a bit limited at what I was able to do using auto and frankly I was feeling like a bit of a creative cheat. The other day I went out and let it all hang out..... I switched my camera off the auto setting and put on the menu and started experimenting with the settings. I grew up in the sixties so I can be a bit of a wild child when I put my mind to it.
I had difficulty getting shots that were focused on things close up on auto. What's photography without a close up? Take the half ripe blueberries below for instance I did that off auto. Now why didn't I do this sooner? By the way Bill and I are going on vacation this Friday. I'm sure by the time we get back the birds or deer will have enjoyed all of these luscious berries!
This is proof that Bill needed to mow the lawn. Dear little buttercup, sweet little buttercup, my little buttercup, I love you! Didn't know singing was another one of my many talents huh?
Have I mentioned we live in a small town? Of course I have! There are a few stores a bank, pharmacy, a grocery, a couple of gas station and one stop sign. The local hardware closed last year and that was the place you could get everything including our seed potatoes. This year we just let some potatoes from the grocery store grow eyes and used them in our garden. I was really skeptical that this would be a good potato year. Below is one potato plant. I think the eye's have it. Wink!
So now you've seen my photography without training wheels. We've yet to see what my vacation photographs will look like when we get back from the Bahama's next week. If by chance they're horrible I already have my excuse prepared.
I'll blame it on the rum!
While we're on vacation our house is being guarded by our vicious guard turtle. So don't think about stealing my blueberries or my potatoes.
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