November 7, 2012

this morning I awoke a starfish

Like many living in this tough economy Bill and I have to make choices on when and what we are going to spend our money on. We live comfortably and we vacation but we don't spend furiously.

So every night we go to bed and dream about how nice it would be to have a king size bed.  And the reason? Ours current bed is a queen and a pretty good one. But some extra room would be nice. And lets face facts we're not getting any younger. It's a fact folks; the older you get the more you toss and turn and the more you visit the bathroom during the night. Just wait, you'll see.

But another truth is I can't see throwing out a perfectly good bed for however more room a king would afford us. I'd rather take those car trips to see my family that we take or something of that nature.

So Bill and I who by the way are not little people do the "toss and turn" every night in our queen size bed. He breathes in my face I snore in his, like I said a king would be nice. Which got me to thinking about positions...not those positions people! I'm talking about sleep positions. I recently read an article that reviewed the most common sleep positions and how those positions revealed certain personality traits.

Some of these sleep positions are better for you than others. The back positions promote re-flux  breathing problems and snoring in some people so you may want to think of that if you fall under one of those categories. The side positions (right side sleepers) are the best since it puts less stress on the heart.

  • Starfish
"Lying on your back with both arms up around the pillow. These sleepers make good friends because they are always ready to listen to others, and offer help when needed. They generally don't like to be the center of attention."
  • Foetus
"Those who curl up in the foetus position are described as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. They may be shy when they first meet somebody, but soon relax. The foetus is the most common sleeping position, with women more likely to adopt this position than men.
  • Freefaller
"Lying on your front with your hands around the pillow, and your head turned to one side. Often gregarious and brash people, but can be nervy and thin-skinned underneath, and don't like criticism, or extreme situations."
  • Yearner
"People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature, but can be suspicious, cynical. They are slow to make up their minds, but once they have taken a decision, they are unlikely ever to change it."
  • Log
"Lying on your side with both arms down by your side. These sleepers are easy going, social people who like being part of the in-crowd, and who are trusting of strangers. However, they may be gullible."

When I go to bed I usually get comfortable on my left side then pivot to my back for a few seconds  on my journey to my final sleep position which is my right side- Foetus . But I wake up in the Starfish position.

Lets have a little fun here shall we? Tell us what your sleep position(s) is and how close the personality traits listed here actually reflect your own.


  1. I go from Foetus to Starfish to Yearner. Roll and repeat...go potty, repeat, the funniest part was him breathing on you and you snoring (which I knew!). Full matress sets are very expensive!

  2. I always start out on my left side, semi-fetal position. If hubby is in the bed, I usually stay on my left side. If he's working, or not in bed at the same time I am, I switch to my right side, when the left side gets numb. I can't stand breathing in my face, or facing an oncoming freight train... and I have a king size bed. It's still not big enough. I might add, we have a tempurpedic and I haven't had a decent sleep since we got it. It's too hard for me!

  3. This is interesting! I hope you get a king size bed one day! We have a green and it gets a bit crowded with the three of us (dog shares the bed and takes up the most room).

    I sleep on my right side but not curled like a foetus position mainly, then turn and sleep same position on my left side; sometimes on my back, but never on my front these days. I used to always enjoy sleeping on my front then suddenly one day it wasn't comfortable.

    have a good Thursday!


  4. Great line about the breathing and snoring in each other's faces! When Ms. A added "facing an oncoming freight train," I felt like you both were standing outside our bedroom window! Though I mainly sleep in the foetus position, I usually toss, turn, and kick my snoring husband throughout the night Thanks for the fun facts, and for the quick save! I wrote that we are sisters in satire! Julie

  5. I'm a toss and turner, so I guess that makes me a tossed salad. God bless.

    1. Maybe I should add "tossed salad" it to the list!

  6. I flip-flop between Starfish(when hubby isn't in the bed) and Yearner(when he is in the bed). He is like a furnace and sleeps very close to me...not so great when I have numerous "tropical moments" during the night...ha ha, -----but great at the cabin on real chilly nights.

  7. Holy moly, I am all of those!!! We want a king sized bed too. I figure when my youngest daughter outgrows her crib, we'll put the queen sized bed in the girls room to share, and we will just HAVE to get a king size, right?????

    1. We have queens in all our bedrooms, it's great for company and kids really don't mind sharing.

      I'm with you I just HAVE to get a king, it's just a matter of when!

  8. He breathes in my face...hahah!!!
    I'm a free faller mostly because that's the postion my back likes to be in. My back is such a jerk sometimes.
    We need a king since Chunky has been sneaking in there every night.

    1. I swear he breathes so hard i feel like a dog with my head out the car window!
      You know what I think we should all band together go to the store and to buy king and demand a group discount :)

  9. I'm pretty much a Foetus and a Yearner. Sometimes a Log. I just like to sleep on my side. :)

    My hubby is a Starfish and I'm constantly kicking him from across the bed (we have a king) because he's usually snoring!

    Fun post!

  10. There isn't one for me. Phooey. Unless I'm cold - which is rare, I snuggle up to the hubs until I get warm. Other than that I lay like I'm in a coffin or I lay on my stomach with my head under my pillow. Imagine how hard it was to kick that habit when I was pregnant.
    I wanted a King bed too. When we bought furniture for our first house we had to measure just to see if one night stand and a Queen would fit. It did but I couldn't open my closet door all the way ;-)

  11. What happens when a foetus has to change to a starfish because of back issues?? This could get interesting...

  12. Breathing & snoring...omg, this gave me such a laugh this morning. lol I start out as a belly flopper then progress to a Foetus position. We definitely had to get a king size bed because the hubs is a belly flopper starfish, spread out wild eagle style! I swear I spend half the night (when he's home) prodding him to reposition himself even in a king size bed! He's use to sleeping by his self at least 5 days a week in a hotel. So, he has to get used to sleeping with me all over again when he's home. Oh,lord and don't let him start snoring...sounds like a freight train coming through our bedroom in 3D. ♥this post!

    1. I think your husband must be related to my father he was a freight train too. When he and moma still lived on Lex Ave once the neighbor called from the next apart. and asked my mother to shut him up he snored so loudly.
      I'm getting the idea from all the comments on this post that we all could write a book about all the stuff that goes on in our bedrooms and it would be a comedy!

    2. lol! We probably could write a best seller!

  13. I like back against back...NO breathing in my face!
    Great post. Xx

  14. I'm mostly a freefaller. That's why I have a growing number of wrinkles! My fast is squished in the pillow....but oh, so compfy. I might have to learn to master the starfish. :-)

  15. Thanks for linkup with TALU Jen. Nothing has changed with my sleeping habits. I've enjoyed reading the comments though. I was tossed salad last night. So that should be making me really irritable here soon. LOL to the dialog between you and Sonya.


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