November 11, 2012

what not to do when cleaning

Today I think I did something that was pretty silly, seriously. I was cleaning the house and apparently when in a cleaning jag my judgment gets impaired! Picture me vacuuming Lenny Kravitz music playing loudly in the back round when I got the idea that now that I've eradicated all the dust in the house there's another one more place that needs some attention. There's way to much dust and crumbs in the keys of my laptop. Yup a real light bulb moment.

So I attack the dust and the crumbs stuck between the keys with my upholstery attachment because I'm smart that way. And they all came up except for one little spot. So I remove to brush and ever so gently whisk the vacuums wand over the area and SLURP the doohicky key between alt and ctrl  became one with my Oreck. Insert a potty mouth moment as I turned on that very laptop to find out how to re-attach the doohicky key.

I'm getting to darn old for this shit people. Let me just say I practically needed the Hubble telescope to see the little clip thingie that I had to remove with a tiny screw driver from the back of the key. That was before I tried 100 times to clip it back on the teeny little space so I could reattach the key.

Ok I confess it was a dumb and rather frustrating thing to do but I've learned my lesson.
I've added one of those cans of air to my shopping list!
Please tell me you have a similar story to tell.


  1. I can only imagine the words that would have escaped MY mouth! I apologize for saying this, but I'm so glad it was you and not me.

  2. Currently, my F5 key (also the button to put the volume up) is just sitting on top of where it's supposed to be. The sound on my old laptop was doing some wacky stuff, and the button didn't survive the ordeal. Still can't figure out how to get it back on there!

  3. too funny!! but I like how you had crumbs on the keyboard; I'm always eating around my keyboard; now looking down at it, I think I need to clean it too, but thanks for the heads up on how not to clean it :)


  4. I'm dying...hahah. There are so many crumbs in my keyboard too. Thing is, I never look down to type...therefore the crumbs don't exist.

    1. I'll have to use that technique the next time I get into a cleaning jag :)

  5. LMAOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Sorry Jen I'm laughing to damn hard to even think of a story. Much less type one! I'll try again later. LOL!!!!

    1. And here i thought it would be a good opportunity for a bit of misery love company :)

  6. oh no! maybe I do not have a strong enough vacuum...I have cleaned the keyboards that way...and maybe that explains why I am spending hours vacuuming and it never looks vacuumed!!!

    1. Two things come to mind here! Either my vacuum is better than yours or your computers are better than mine! :)

  7. Oh no.. I can only imagine.. I just hate when that happens.. you try to be a little extra efficient and it blows up in your face.

    1. Thanks goodness I'm pretty handy and I was able to save myself from myself!

  8. This is too funny! I always use the cans of air and, oh yeah, I don't eat near the silly computer -- because I don't want to be able to tell a story like yours one day! :)
    I wish I could say that I I have equally hilarious accounts of cleaning gone wild but that would necessitate that one clean some of the time! I do the dishes and the laundry but, damn! - I will admit that I spend $200/mo of my hard earned money having a wonderful housecleaner do the rest!

  9. I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing!

  10. LOL!!! I'm sorry. I hate it when I do stuff like that. And it always happens when I'm on a roll cleaning. I see something that needs to be fixed. Here's the thing... I didn't know paint fades. So didn't know that if I touched up a few places that I was going to see touch ups gone wild. This resulted in a repainting of the entire bathroom.


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