my favorite posts

I've enjoyed this blog, it's been a great outlet and a wonderful way to express myself and to remember. Here is a list of a few of my favorite posts. You can just click on the title and it will bring you right to the post. Enjoy!

I hope you'll take a second to read a few.

SOLACE- A personal reflection of my experience with a friend, another mother who lost her son, at his funeral.

GIRLS AND INDIANS- This was my childhood, and goodness it was fun!

BLOG AND RELEASE- There are some things that are to painful to forgive, so we write about them in the hopes that we can release the pain.

PROTECT ME FROM ALL ANXIETY- Read about my struggles with anxiety and how that interfered with my prayer life after my kids accident.

I WAS A DOG BURGLAR- About that childhood I mentioned!

THE LETTER SAID " PLEASE FORGIVE ME"...Could you forgive the man who took your children's lives? I write about it here.