January 17, 2012

do you talk with a fork?

Some of the most important conversations my husband and I ever had with our children were at the dinner table. Like most families our children were active growing up and time was precious. After school there was homework, school activities, sports and social lives but when it was time for dinner if we were home we were at the table as a family. Back in the day there weren't the added distraction of electronic devices being used  like there are today. I couldn't imagine if my five kids were younger and we had to deal were cell phones ringing all through our dinner time meal and I-Pads wars, ugh!

Now the kids are grown and when they come home the table is still at the center of the house. But truthfully we're not picky, it doesn't even have to be my table, it can be a family members table or the table of our favorite restaurant as long as we're together. And you know what? We talk, we share our lives, we laugh or share our concerns, we drink a bit of wine and eat good food. And the most important thing...... we communicate in person - fork in hand...... no electronics necessary.

What about dinner time at you house? Calm or crazy; dinner table daily or only in your dreams?

Linking up with Bits of Bee today.


  1. When the WHOLE family gets together we tend to sit there a lot longer, and it's always a lot of fun!

  2. I think dinner is so important! It was a rule in my household, and I carry it into my marriage. We sit together MOST nights and just talk. I love it. I hope someday to have a family to be able to do it with too. I ALWAYS recommend to the families I work with to insitute mandatory family dinner - NO ELECTRONICS!! :)

  3. Family dinners have always been so important to my family as well - great quote! Thanks for linking up!

  4. For some reason, it's changing. We used to eat every dinner at the table and now Fred feeds them at the counter looking into the kitchen. I don't like it one bit and I still sit at the dining room table. I hope eventually, they'll come back to me.
    Your Friend m.
    p.s. But still, we don't answer the phone while eating. m.

  5. dinner is absolutely at the table - except for Friday nights which are our Family Pizza/Movie night. It gives everyone, mostly mama chef, a break.
    When my larger, extended family gets together....there isn't a table big enough to hold us all. But that doesn't stop us....we all just grab a spot where we can, and wouldn't change a thing.

  6. Thankfully, our kidlets are too young for cells (well, there are cell phones in my son's elementary school - but he doesn't have one!) and my husband is not a fan of the whole concept of a phone, though he has one. So, that leaves me. And I don't use mine during dinner. We eat dinner as a family and value our time together. :>

  7. As the babies have gotten older, we try to eat at the table with them. Got to start them early!

  8. I grew up eating as a family and loved it. I don't remember ever being resentful of the fact that we sat down as a family. Unfortunately, DH and I tend to eat in front of the TV. Gotta change that.

  9. This was a given rule in our house when our children were younger, its harder now that they're teenagers and hubby works rotating shifts but we at least try to do it several nights a week as a family together

  10. Dinner was a must when I was growing up back in Russia. I tried to do the same here, but it's way too hectic. We are doing our best to sit down at least twice a week as a family.

  11. My family gets together every Sunday for dinner :) Sometimes we go to my parents' house, but usually we go out to a restaurant. I love that family time! It's such a comfort :) And no phones/electronics are involved!

  12. Know what is funny?
    When my boyfriend (husband now) and I bought a house I told him that I'd only move in with him if he promised to always eat dinner at the table with me.
    Dinner is so important to me. Not because of the eating but because we talk.
    I grew up in a more than dysfunctional home. We never ate dinner together. I spent a lot of dinners in my room by myself.
    So now that we have a babe, we all sit down together. It's probably one of my most favourite times of day.

  13. All the best talking is done with a fork!


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