December 3, 2012

Freedom of speech of vulgar display?

Ho ho holy moley and I thought I had some questionable neighbors!  Imagine if your next door neighbor put this Christmas display up in your honor ?

I couldn't even imagine but apparently the person is claiming it's a First Amendment issue ( freedom of expression/speech)  but it's safe to say there are many who are of the opinion that this is just a vulgar display.

What do you think? First Amendment or Vulgar display.

I hate, hate, hate this but I'm a bit conflicted since I'm not so sure she doesn't have the right to express herself even if I think the way she did it is all kinds of wrong. 


  1. This isn't your neighbor is it Jen? I see what you are saying. I understand first ammendment freedom of speech, but there is also taste and decorum, something apparently she doesn't have. Makes you wonder, does she have small children? Does she care that they are seeing this filth expressed or does it not even bother her? That in itself is sad that it doesn't bother her to be this vulgar. So I'm going with vulgar.


  2. On the one hand, I believe she has the right but why? Why does she need to do this? It's terribly tasteless at a time of year that most people respect as time to reflect on things more spiritual. I'd probably have less of a problem if it were not Christmas time. What kind of message does that send to children and why doesn't she care about that? All my questions lead me to more questions. To me, it's vulgar!

  3. I'd feel insulted by this if I saw it on display. Regardless of freedom of speech and all that. Sounds like perhaps it's someone's lame idea of a joke but it's crass and yes, vulgar. I am sorry if it's in your neighborhood and you are having this in your face every day.

    1. Not my neighborhood thank goodness, she sounds like one angry woman.

      Apparently the people in her town agree and the towns govt. made her take it down, they said they'd fine her if she didn't!

  4. I agree, Jen. It may be freedom of speech/expression but it is in poor taste at this time of the year.

  5. Yes, I am in that circle that says why? Isnt' there a more productive, less offensive way to get whatever your message is out there? That person must have some strong need for attention but they are choosing an odd way to get it!

  6. I say it's both, but in VERY poor taste.

  7. Humph! All I have to say is that is NOT cool.

  8. So, I have to admit that I laughed when I saw the pic. However, it's funny on the internet, not in someone's actual yard! I'm all for free speech, but some people are just unhappy and want attention. I say take it down.

  9. My first thought was a failed attempt at a menorah, but if that's not the reason then I think it's in poor taste. Sure free speech is important, but so is using one's intelligence.

    1. Maybe that's what the five fingers stand for Jackie, the sum of her IQ!

  10. WOW!!! Things that make you say hmmm... I swear the values & morals of society today is in the toilet.

    1. That and I think there are lots of angry people out there!

  11. Sad. Just sad. And rude. If a muslim holiday, or jewish holiday was lit with such an image, the media would jump on it as hate imagery. The Christian faith is always under attack.

  12. There is a right way and a wrong way and that is definitely the wrong way.

  13. No, Don't like it Jen. There are lots of things that annoy me,large billboards with half naked women advertising whatever, the amout of times I had to explain these things to my kids. Swearing on TV just for the sake of it,no need for it and I'm not a prude it's just plain stupid and offensive. And that's my sermon over, lol

  14. That is just beyond tacky and super classless.

  15. Been catching up on your posts. You've written some great stuff.
    Oh, my opinion? Vulgar display.
    They have the freedom to put it up, we have the freedom to dislike it, and comment on it. Hopefully, they'll take it down after Christmas.

  16. (((( V U L G E R!!!! ))))

    Freedom of Speech is MUCH ABUSED.


  17. Not exactly the model neighbor!

  18. Hmmm. I don't think that type of expression will help her cause. :-(


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