April 30, 2012

the end.....

So....today is the last day of the A-Z Challenge! I've done it....

But I have not done this alone! I really couldn't have done a single day of this challenge without the help and support of my friends old and new; thank you one and all!

I have attained my goal! I have posted a reasonably coherent post each day this month using all the letters of the alphabet. My goal was to get every single post published on time every day and ya know how many I missed ? zero- zilch.....

"Z" my first words  for today,  zero- zilch...... 

I must admit when my friend Martha over at Seaside Simplicity first suggested this challenge I was a bit reluctant. Martha assured me it was really a lot of fun. And boy was she ever right. So I attacked this challenge and embraced my writing with zeal!

"Z" my second word for today, zeal

I quickly got into the challenge, getting into a schedule of writing, commenting, visiting other blogs, making new friends,  finding my grove. I must admit I wasn't sure I'd be capable of the level of organization or creativity but I surprised myself and put what I thought was my best foot forward, remained focused and in the zone.

"Z"  my third word today, zone.....

I  hope you enjoyed the challenge as much as I did whether you were participating or following along as I wrote my way through the month.

Now I'm glad to be in The End Zone. I know lame right?

What can I say? This gal needs a few days off!

 How about you my A-Z Challenge friends; what are your plans, rest or writing as usual?


  1. Whoo-hoo!! You made it Jen! I knew you would. I'm so glad you enjoyed the challenge, can't believe we've come to the end already! Thanks for the mention today. Enjoy what's left of the weekend :)

  2. I've enjoyed your month of post! Very engaging and entertaining. Well done!

  3. Zonked...you must be...ziliphed...you must be zonerated...no...Ok then zintilated...whatever...you are zestfully zonked!! Loved it!

  4. I see Sophie mentioned the word zonked, that's what my Z post is about. I also made it through and was never late. Yay for us.
    I've enjoyed meeting some great new bloggers - including you. I look forward to reading your blog in the months to come.
    Remember, you're not home free - there's the Reflections post on May 7 :)

  5. yes and you most certainly deserve a day off...I just put my last Z post up but it won't post until tomorrow morning but I truly can't beleive it is over...gosh, it was hard work but fun! and I met some truly wonderful people; like you!

  6. Yeah, it's been awesome but challenging. I've certainly learned I need to write blog posts ahead of time for next year's challenge!

    1. I did a few in advance for the first week, but then just went to doing each post a day in advance, always with an idea in mind. Only once was I rushing on the day of.... to think something up and only because life got in the way.

  7. The END ZONE! Now why didn't I think of that. Roll Tide! Alabama, my alma mater, college football champions 2012!

  8. 26 days in a row? That's crazy impressive! Wow, wow, wow. You do deserve some time off!

  9. Hi Jen,Yes I can't believe we did it. I love your Z words. I'm looking forward to my normal blogging about what ever comes into my head but think I may be posting some more of those seventies songs. Looking forward to your regular posts too.

  10. So glad I found you here, I enjoy your writing. I'm looking forward to reading more! I wanted this to kick start my blogging and help me become a regular blogger instead of a sporadic blogger. I think it's done that and while I don't plan to blog everyday I will hopefully be blogging a couple times a week.

  11. Great wrap up! You know, my brain seems to be in the zone. I've already thought up a post for my cooking blog (and it begins with the letter A), but I'm not going there in May! I hope to keep my writing level up, not daily necessarily, but more often that once or twice a week. It was fun and I saw my skills improve.

    See you around!

  12. I'm thinking Z-pak because my ex has strep.

  13. Dear Jen, I am so blessed we're friends! (Since I don't have the option here, pretend that's in BOLD writing). Sitting here, reflecting and reading your words this morning, leaves me with the most wonderful tear-filled eyes, of overflowing joy. Life is good, because God is so-oo good! Congratulations on making it through to the end of the blogging challenge. Here I am, to be with you, by your side supporting you in all life's challenges that follow. GOD BLESS YOU! With love and care, Kerrie (aka KC) xoxo

  14. It's been a joy reading your posts and getting to know you. I'll be back!

    1. I feel the same way about you Jolie, I'll see you over at your blog no doubt about it.

  15. We'll have to give thanks to Martha for getting you involved. So glad you had a good time with it.

    Congratulations on making it through the A to Z Challenge. Join us on May 7th with your Challenge Reflections post.

    Places I Remember
    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  16. I've really enjoyed getting to know you this month, and I will definitely be checking back in with you! Congrats on a job well done Jen! Thanks for everything, Julie

  17. Hi Jen, came across your blog using the 'surprise me' button.
    New follower and a fellow first timer on the A - Z this year.

  18. Congrats for finishing the A-Z challenge!

  19. Congrats! Enjoy your "days off". Maybe April 2013 won't be so crazy and I can participate. I would think you feel some sense of major accomplishment. You need to share your schedule ;-)

  20. Congrats for completing a blog challenge. I have yet to do that for any of the challenges I've started. Such is life for me. One big giant helping of ADD. :)

  21. Congratulations on hitting the finish line---enjoy your break :)

  22. Jen, Congrats on finishing!!! I've hardly been on line these days, so I'm behind on reading, but I hope to browse through your blog and catch up soon.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. I appreciate all your support, no worries! Thanks Michelle.


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