February 7, 2012

to give is to receive

Picture this......

You go visit a sick friend and as you're leaving you see them smile and your heart just smiles too!  

Or you give some much needed support to a friend during a really difficult divorce. Hey, just an ear and a hot cup of coffee but you both walk away feeling a bit lighter if only for a moment or two. 

An elderly member of your church is lonely so at the sign of peace you forget the handshake and give her a hug and she tears up with gratitude and your heart swells. 

Isn't this so true? 
Have you experienced this yourself?

Linking up with Bits of Bee today.


  1. What a great quote, and it's so true! It definitely makes you feel better to help someone else feel better. Thanks for coming back and linking up again this week!

  2. Oh, Jen! What a great message to take along for the day. Yes! It does give you a lift and our actions to help someone else can be so small but have a huge impact.

    1. I agree!Either end of these little acts of kindness is a good place to be.

  3. love that. and so true. the best compliment someone ever gave me was that it was impossible to be sad around me. ahhhh!


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