April 4, 2013

A-Z 2013 the letter D


I use a dictionary all the time. I use to hate having to lug my big volumes out when I needed them. It wouldn't surprise me if  the book form dictionaries become obsolete for that reason alone.

I am in all honesty the worst speller in the entire world. I appreciate the fact that all I have to do is click and I have a host dictionaries at my fingertips. 

It is such a relief that when I click publish people won't think I'm a dumbhead.

I should add, spell check is also my friend!

So I've decided that dictionary would be my "D" word.

This year The Oxford Dictionary added a selection of new words to their dictionaryI've decided to write a bit of a story about myself (I've taken creative license) to highlight some of the new words they've added. 

(All you have to do is click on the bold words to check their definitions.)

I hope this idea isn't too hacky for you. I was going for original.

I live a simple life and don't pay  much attention to the latest fashion trends. I admit I'm inordinately attached to my schlumpy yoga pants.  I admit they might have a hole or two but that makes them even more comfortable.

I am confident that I know my way around my electronics (laptop and cellphone) and I am familiar with things like SDD and touchless technology. Happy was the day I gave up my dumbphone for a smartphone, they are so much cooler. And I'll never get lost, hungry or run out of gas when i have either with me!

I’m concerned about the environment and drive an efficient car but I haven't gotten a hybrid yet.  I'd have to overcome my range anxiety.

I am a very safe driver. It is not my intention to be braggadocios about my driving skills, it’s just a fact.

I would never get behind the wheel of the car if I’ve been drinking; not even one drink.  Going out and get blootered drinking appletini’s is out of the question in my world.

Like I said;I live a simple life.

So what do you think about these words, fun or just plain weird? Do you embrace the fact our language is a living thing that evolves as our culture evolves?  Or do you see these words more as a trend  and rather see them be a bit more choosy with the words they add? 

I know all my friends out in the land of social sharing always have opinions. 

What say you?

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who are participating in the A-Z Blogging Challenge


  1. I like that our language is ever changing. In fact I make up my own words sometimes. It’s fun. Of course some of my words can’t pass the “Words With Friends” or Scrabble challenge, but I know what I mean.

    You passed the originality test with this post. It was fun.

    Visting from the A-Z challenge.

    1. I agree lynda grace, they're a bit weird but heck so am I so :)

  2. Great post, I love learning new words.

  3. It's so funny to me how new words get adopted by us to the extent that they become "official"! I kinda like it because I make up words myself all the time!

  4. I am a dictionary fan as well. I love Merriam-Webster on the web. One of the reasons that I use Online rather than the actual book, is because I would have to get out a magnifying glass to read the tiny print. I love M-W word games too.
    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

  5. Funny post Jen.I just google everything.Hubby laughs at me as I sit at the computer with my ipad beside it for googling things. Before I clicked on the word blootered I thought,how does she know this I thought it was a Glasgow word.I assure you it's used daily here,not in my house, in Glasgow. If you were blootered last night it means you were really drunk and had a great time, that's the way some people here rate their night's out.

  6. Fun! I'm such a wordy! Great idea for a D post. :)

  7. I google words when I am in doubt. :)

  8. Original. Fun. Funny. Clever. All of the above!

  9. I also google words and worry that spell check isn't enough. I always thought I was a good speller, but lately many words just don't look right to me. This was fun!


  10. I Google words when I'm not sure about the spelling. :)

  11. As far as blootered, I was shocked once when a mom of a 20 yr old with a recent DUI said: Oh, it is just a misdemeanor.

    I've had people complain that I use $10 words at times. I never do that as a superior thing, sometimes they just fit what I am saying. ~Mary

  12. What fun! Some of the words seemed slangy to me and not worthy of a place in the dictionary. I don't know what a couple of them mean, and although I use online dictionaries all the time, I still love using my old hardback Websters because of all the other interesting words I discover on the way.

  13. Always good to have a dictionary nearby. And with all the technology, dictionaries are easy to find. When in doubt, gotta look it up.
    Fun post, and your selection of words made it an interesting read.
    Silvia @ Silvia Writes

    1. Thanks for reading Silvia alway love meeting a fellow dictionary and word lover.

  14. I am so old school when it comes to the dictionary. I have an old Webster's College Dictionary that I dig out when my kids ask me, "What does this word mean?" I say, look it up. But, I'm not averse to going to dictionary.com when I'm writing and I'm looking for a definition.

    I love new words and that they are added each year. It makes the world more interesting!

    1. I'm not sure I can even read the words in my old dictionary they're so small. I agree pamela that these new words are rather unique!

  15. Ha-ha...funny post! Cracking up over *braggadocios*! I just traded in my dumbphone for a smartphone and I must say I think it's smarter than me! Some days I'm totally dumbfounded. Siri, is always offering corrective suggestions thank goodness.

    1. I don't know what I'd do without my smartphone. I use it all the time! My husband has a dumbphone and honestly he still doesn't even know how to use it!

  16. My dictionaries, thesaurus and AP style manual are my best desk buddies. I can't live without them! Fun words! I have heard of a few of them! :) Happy A-to-Z 2013! ~Angela, Whole Foods Living, http://www.wholefoodsliving.blogspot.com/

    1. I love that you're old school. I'm finding so many people are. I'm not sure why that surprises me. But i guess that's the difference between the preference between books and kindles either you do or you don't care for them!

  17. I've gotta get some yoga pants! Everybody is talking about them!
    from The Dugout

  18. Great use of your dictionary. I should follow your lead ocassionally and find myself some new and interesting words to use.


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